onsdag 19 augusti 2009

Sug min rock 'n roll..

Onkel Kånkel var inte världens bästa artist men många roliga stunder har han skänkt genom tiderna. Tramsigt ja men jag gillar't på något vis!
Vilken musik man än gör så är man inte värd att gå bort vid en ålder av 47år.

R.I.P Håkan "Onkel Kånkel" Florå

En av de anständiga låtarna får duga på bloggen

Sug min rock 'n roll....

Sug min rock 'n roll (live för er inbitna fans.. bra röj)

fredag 14 augusti 2009

Listig titel

En av ett otal listor man kan fylla i!

Choose an artist/band and answer only in song TITLES by that artist: Metallica
Are you male or female: Loverman
Describe yourself: Prince Charming
How do some people feel about you: Fixxxer
How do you feel about yourself: Better Than You
Describe your ex girlfriend: Some Kind of Monster
Describe where you want to be: Hero Of The Day
Describe what you want to be: Stone Cold Crazy
Describe what you want: Seek & Destroy
Describe how you live: Dirty Window
Describe how you love: Nothing Else Matters
Share a few words of wisdom: Carpe Diem Baby

Äscha vart ju roligare med Kreator.. black metal-band nästa gång kanske?

Choose an artist/band and answer only in song TITLES by that artist: Kreator
Are you male or female: Son of Evil
Describe yourself: Future King
How do some people feel about you: Tormentor
How do you feel about yourself: Enemy of God
Describe your ex girlfriend: The Pestilence
Describe where you want to be: Under the Guillotine
Describe what you want to be: Bringer of Torture
Describe what you want: Hate Inside Your Head
Describe how you live: Under a Total Blackened Sky
Describe how you love: Love Us or Hate Us
Share a few words of wisdom: Destroy What Destroys You